
HomeProductCombination type AGV

Product model: MA4-010D43

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MA4-010D43 tape-guided dual-lift assembling AGV adopts double-shear large screw device, which is widely used in the automobile industry for engine and rear axle assembling, and it can realize the operation mode of forward, backward, turning, and translating, etc. The MA series AGVs are suitable for the assembling of automobile front axle, rear axle, batteries and body, and according to the different production processes, there are single-lift, dual-lift, and triple-lift assembling AGVs.

AGV operate synchronously with the main line, assemble precisely.
◆ Smooth operation, simplified route, not easy to be disturbed.
◆ It can realize automatic transportation and flexible assembly of automobile engines and rear axles.
◆ Reduces labor intensity, saves labor costs and improves production efficiency.
